Many interesting subjects here, but I'll pick one--as a person who hates cars and driving so much I don't even have a license, it's heartening to see all the trending video essays about new urbanism and the revival of public transit. But, as noted, progress is agonizingly slow because of political malfeasance and the automobile lobby.

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I live in a place where cars are an inconvenient luxury, as it is possible to get anywhere without them, and getting around is painful. Yet, people still use them and litter the streets with their parking. I came from Detroit, a place so very proud of their self propulsion, but I detest the automobile. I think it should be only reserved for delivery and emergency uses. Taxis perhaps. The car has been in human existence for a very short period of time, and it should remain that way.

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Great article Josh, I was love it when you write about stuff that you want to write about. I like the switchover a lot too. Thanks for the articles and keep them coming!

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